Our Services

QR Code​

A special design, easy-to-scan and print code for a business to promote websites, landing pages, special offers, and discounts as well as PDFs and other documents as the scanned destination.

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Sentiment Analysis

(also known as opinion mining or emotion AI)
is the use of natural language processing, text analysis, computational linguistics, and biometrics to systematically identify, extract, quantify, and study affective states and personal information.

Sentiment analysis is widely applied to the voice of the customer materials such as reviews and survey responses, online and social media, and healthcare materials for applications that range from marketing to customer service to clinical medicine.

Website & Mobile Application Development

Whether it’s a well-established business or a startup; It’s no longer a luxury to have well-implemented digital channels to communicate more conveniently with customers.

EBG provides the engineering skills and required expertise to design, develop and maintain Businesses’ Websites and Mobile-Apps.

Domain Hosting

Providing hosting domains for your website along with Email packages.


A chatbot is a computer program that simulates and processes human conversation (either written or spoken), allowing humans to interact with digital devices as if they were communicating with a real person. Chatbots can be as simple as rudimentary programs that answer a simple query with a single-line response, or as sophisticated as digital assistants that learn and evolve to deliver increasing levels of personalization as they gather and process information.

Big Data Solutions

Big Data is a term used to describe the massive growth and availability of structured and unstructured data. While the term may seem to refer to the volume of data, it also refers to the technology (tools and processes) that an organization requires to handle these data volumes and storage facilities.


Web based ERP and CRM Open Source software to manage a professional or foundation activity (sme, freelancers or large companies)

Dolibarr is one of the market’s most user-friendly ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems. Dolibarr is a system that enables you to have a more harmonic organisation through its functions. Whatever your needs are (Customer Relationship Management, Sales, Human Resources, Logistics, Stock, Invoicing, Accounting, Manufacturing, Marketing, Foundation Management, Surveys, etc.), you can set up the application to match your needs. One of the features is that every financial entry is connected to the Ledger and Journal. Therefore, there is no room for errors.

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